a blog for people who are on the quest. . . a journey to know Jesus and follow Him.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Mike and Megan Smith Summer UPDATE

We just got this report in from Mike, Megan and baby Canaan---

This will probably be the last update before we head
to Papua New Guinea next week. It has been a whirlwind
of a month!! We started off the month with the leaders
prep for 3 days. We had 5 couples for the time of
training and preperation before meeting the teams in
From leaders prep we headed to Miami for a week to
greet 25 participants headed to Bolivia and Brazil for
a month. We spent 3 days in orientation with them.
What a NEAT group of participants. They ranged in ages
of 15-72!!! Most were in their late teens and early
twenties though.
We saw them off and 2 days later greeted the 8
participants headed to Siberia. Just Mike and I were
there to do a brief one night orientation with them.
They were such a cool group as well. We just got word
from them that they made it to Moscow and are on a 52
hour train ride to Siberia for 8 weeks.
So now we are back in Sanford for 7 days to pack up
and move out of our apartment, pack for Papua New
Guinea, and fly out to meet our team of 9 and another
team of 10 headed to PNG as well. We will have
orientation at a Baptist campground in Hawaii and fly
onto Sydney Australia for a night, then up to Papua
New Guinea for 3 weeks.
We just got word that our team will be flying out to
a remote tribal location for a week to work on an
airstrip. We are thrilled that our team will have this
Thank you for all who have prayed with us about our
housing situation. We are moving out of our current
place so we dont have to pay rent while we are away.
Unfortunately nothing has opened for staff housing so
we are putting our things into storage and praying
that the Lord will work something out in time for our
return in August. Our financial level is not quite at
a point of renting an apartment in the real world so
it would be best if we could live here on the NTM
property for a low cost. HE knows our needs, our
desires, and we believe that HE will provide above and
beyond all we could ever ask or think according to HIS
perfect will.
We have newsletters to send to you all. They are
sitting here on the desk waiting to be put into
envelopes and mailed!!! We will be getting those out
this week before we leave.
That's about it from this end. We covet your prayers
as we head out this summer. We are just blown away
already at the amazing participants God has sent out
this summer. They are going to be such a blessing to
the missionaries and we pray they will be burdened for
the desperate need for missionaries in tribal

I am going to include a few excerpts from the few
emails we have received from team members in the past
week. Check out our website for more updates on the

Brazil team:

"We are about 15 to 20 miles from a town and the first
5 miles are over rough roads We are all washing our
own clothes by hand !! BUT they forgot to get them
down before the rain came!!! Ah well....it is all and
We had an excellent team meeting last night. The
sharing from the team was great, too and we sang
several worship songs after having a time of prayer"

Bolivia team

"God has been faithful. I haven't and will not be able
to write much these next few days because
we are working all day long to lay concrete paths
around the school that will not be flooded in the
rainy season. The work is hard and long but God
gives us all the energy we need and not a bit more.
Everyone is exhausted. The poverty here is amazing,
but I feel remarkably at
home among the people. Thank you so much for your

Siberia team:

"On the plane to Frankfurt we had an interesting
discussion about 1 John, huddled around each other
under the reading lights. When we arrived here, we
were told that we as a team would be going through 1
John together. Did someone say that coincidences are
God's providence we don't credit to Him?
Next week we will be flying over to a region we will
call GrnAltsk. One of the workers who pioneered the
work in Buryatia has now moved on to a new region, a
region that is known as being stalwarts of the
communist area, a populace that always gives the
communist vote, sort of like Russia's Communist Belt.
We will be doing one of their first major outreach
projects, helping conduct seminars for English
teachers. The team will be doing things like
demonstrating different learning styles via skits, and
Yongjoo may be helping teach some seminars too."

"i didn't realize how close this
country has come to my heart. it seems to grow closer
every day. i am no longer surprised or alientated by
the differences. instead, they make me feel like i
this is my home. well, at least another one of them."

This is just a taste of what some of our participants
are facing and experiencing thus far in their travels.
Please pray for their safety in travels and work there
on the field.

Please pray for us too if we come to mind. Pray that
Canaan will travel well on planes and that we would
not suffer too much from the extreme time changes us
and the team will face around the world.

Please email or write us. I don't know if we will be
able check email or not but we,d love to hear from you
Our address there on the field is

P.O.Box 1079
Goroka E.H.P. 441

We are so thankful for you all and can't wait to tell
you all about the summer when we return!!

Blessings and love,
Mike, Megan and Canaan Smith


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