a blog for people who are on the quest. . . a journey to know Jesus and follow Him.

Thursday, May 22, 2003

Totzke Prayer Communique
From: Sylvia Totzke [mailto:syltotzke@wideopenwest.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 7:31 PM

Dear Praying Friends,

On Wednesday, June 4th we will be leaving for Prague! Your prayers, love, encouragement, and financial support have made this a reality for us, and we are taking each one of you with us in our hearts and prayers.

There has been one change to the plan. The prayer team, part of a larger GBIM European field initiative, which was to come in June, has been cancelled because of lack of participants. Instead, we will be using that time to go to the outlying villages to pass out more flyers offering people the Jesus film and to visit people who have received the Jesus film. These visits will give us the opportunity to find out if they have additional questions about the film or the Bible, and to sign them up for the correspondence Bible study if they haven’t already. It will also give us a chance to meet more Czech people personally and to share with them what our relationship with Jesus means to us.

We have been in frequent communication with George and Cindy Swain, the Grace Brethren missionaries we will be serving during our 10 weeks there, and it looks like we will have a full and challenging schedule. We will visit at least 12 different locations to distribute flyers and meet Czech people, and we will work with three short-term teams from the Ashland, OH; Wooster, OH; and Martinsburg, PA Grace Brethren Churches who will do English-as-a-second-language studies with the Czechs. Each team will spend two weeks in Prague.

As we prepare to leave, we ask for your prayers:

For safety in travel, not only for us, but for the teams of Americans coming to Prague to participate in the ESL camps.
That we would relate well to the Swains, to the short-term teams and to the Czech people.
The language and cultural barriers would be minimal.
That our relationship with God would deepen through this opportunity.
That the Czech people we meet would see the love of Christ in our lives as we relate to them.

We will send email updates on a regular basis. We can’t define regular yet, but will know once we get there. May God bless you.

Larry and Sylvia


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