a blog for people who are on the quest. . . a journey to know Jesus and follow Him.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

10.13.05 thequest email UPdate

thequest family,

This past weekend I had the privilege of being a part of The Evangelists Gathering. There were lots of great things shared by the presenters and around the coffee cups and small groups. I learned a lot over that time together.

One of the segments of the gathering had a forum with a variety of presenters and they were fielding questions. Then Stephen turned a question on the audience. He asked us all this question:

Have anyone of you shared the Gospel with someone and walked away shaking your head saying I sure wish I would not have shared the Gospel with them?

The answer was unspoken...but was a resounding...OF COURSE NOT!

We all have had opportunities that we have let slip away, but when we pass on the message about Jesus it is the right thing to do. The Holy Spirit confirms that in our hearts. And we have the joy of our salvation returned as we share with others.

One more thing that was a helpful reminder to me and that I'll pass on to you was a short little bit that Pastor Jim Custer from our grandmother church shared. He emphasized three things that are prior to the words we say about the Gospel. He encouraged us to do 3 things:

1) Smile

2) See people…engage them…find out who they are…people love to talk about themselves

3) Be praying the whole time…ask God to give you the opening or way to share

He closed with this comment:

"We create the impression, that witnessing is hard work. The most winsome person in the world was Jesus. I want to encourage us to lighten up…it is a pleasant thing we are asked to do.This can really be fun!"

I hope you'll look to have some fun this week, sharing about Jesus and what He has done for you!

Press on,


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