a blog for people who are on the quest. . . a journey to know Jesus and follow Him.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

09.14.-05 thequest UPdate

Last week, I wrote an article introducing a viral infection to thequest community that I pray is spreading! The Luke 10:2b Virus— have you caught it?

This week I’d like to share a couple Luke 10:2b stories—answers to this prayer. Upon my return from the House2House National House Church Conference, I received an e-mail from some friends I made in the Houston, Texas area. These folks were so infected by this virus they caught in Denver that immediately upon returning to Houston, God told them they were to “exballo” a host of believers in their current 2 house churches to start 10 new houses churches immediately! Luke 10:2b—have you caught it?

From our start, thequest began to pray for house churches to be established in the Ohio State Campus area. For a time, God led Adam & Cara to the harvest field to plant a campus house church. Upon graduation, they headed to Dallas for further education and all the students they reached moved on as well. God led Christina to thequest as a freshman. As her passion to reach her friends for Christ grew, God lead led her to begin a house church on campus. But he didn’t just lead Christina, he led Zach too! At the time Zach was a brand new believer whose heart was impassioned and burdened to reach his friends for Christ, too. So in January, they were “exballo-ed” to start a house church. Luke 10:2b—have you caught it?

For the past five years Mike and I have prayed for God to move in the hearts to burden two of our friends to join with thequest to reach lost souls in the Short North. Five years later (including a marriage, a 13 month missionary stint in London and much prayer), God saw fit to answer our prayer. John & Kate are now serving with thequest to see more souls reached for Christ and are now in the process of planting a house church! Luke 10:2b—have you caught it?

So what is the common thread in all of these stories? None of the new house churches being planted are being led by trained clergy, seminary students/grads, “older/wiser” men/women, etc… They are all ordinary people who have a passion to see more ordinary people fall in love with Jesus.

Today, I read “Josh’s Story” from An Army of Ordinary People by Felicity Dale. This story is all about a kid who brought heartache and turmoil to his parents. Wherever he went, trouble followed. His closest friends were all gang members. As this young man grew, his heart softened to the Lord. Eventually he became a follower of Jesus. After one of Josh's friends visited their house church meeting, this friend asked if they could invite all their friends (gang members) to Josh’s house for a gathering to start there! His parents agreed.

One of the local gang leaders, “Shaker,” while in a Christian rehabilitation facility, came to know the Lord. His girlfriend had also come to know the Lord—through Josh’s house church. When Shaker was released from this facility he attended the Josh’s house church and asked to be the leader!

Josh actually died by accidentally shooting himself while goofing around with a gun. At his funeral, Tony Dale (the author’s husband) stated that Josh’s desire would be for all his friends to receive the message that Jesus saves. Though Josh’s earthly life does not have a happy ending, he did touch the lives of many gang members. As a result of Josh's life and death, over 100 gang members have come to know the Lord! God is in the business of using ordinary people!

On Monday night Mike and I celebrated my birthday. At the end of the evening we found a quiet place to sit and talk in front of a water fountain. Mike posed this question to me, “Mindi, what do you envision for the coming year?” Without sounding like I had my head in the clouds, I said something like, “Lose weight, prioritize my time better, and spend more time with the kids.” But what I was really thinking was that I'd like to see countless house churches started this year! My heart’s desire is to see countless people come to know my Lord and Savior this year, who in turn share their passion for Christ and see countless people come to know the Lord, and perpetuate the cycle. Honestly, that is my dream for the coming year.

So how can this be accomplished? How do you see a movement like that get rolling? You must first start with prayer! God has commanded us to “Pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest, and ‘deomai’ him to ‘exballo’ more workers for his fields.”

It IS in God’s heart to answer that prayer!

Luke 10:2b Virus—CATCH IT!



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