a blog for people who are on the quest. . . a journey to know Jesus and follow Him.

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Totzke Prayer Communique
From: syltotzke@wideopenwest.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 7:32 AM

Dear Praying Friends,

We’ve been in Prague for almost seven weeks now. It’s
hard to believe that the time has gone so fast. The teams
have kept us busy and we’ve had little time to catch our
breath between teams. The second team arrived at the place
where we are staying on Saturday, July 12 before the first
team left for the airport.

Besides doing the hosting activities, our role with each
team is different. On the first team we led the literature
distribution team of seven people delivering the Jesus film
brochure to mailboxes in communities surrounding Prague.
We’d board the bus at the metro station and travel 20-30
minutes to our destination. We distributed brochures for two
days in Pruhonice and four days in Ricany. We distributed
about 3700 brochures with the first team. When the
recipients opened their mailboxes and saw the brochures,
they had the opportunity to order the Jesus film for free.
Their responses go to the Campus Crusade for Christ office
in Prague and then are forwarded to George and Cindy Swain,
our hosts and the full time missionaries here. Last week we
were encouraged that already four people from Pruhonice and
18 from Ricany have requested the film. More people will
respond – maybe even months later, so we are still praying
for the people of these communities.

The second team is seven members and we are helping them
teach in the English camp – Larry in the beginners class
and Sylvia in the intermediate class. The ages of the
students in each class range from very young to retirees. We
had very little contact with the Czech students in the first
English camp, so we are enjoying this opportunity to
interact with them. Some of the intermediate and advanced
students attended the first camp as well, so they knew who
we were and now we can talk to them more. We had a very
good talk today after church with Petr, a student from the
first camp. He is going through a difficult divorce and had
not been permitted to see his two children for over 15
months. Today he told us that he will get to see them next
weekend, and he credited our prayers for that. Petr is
moving closer to God, and we are encouraged that he may
become more involved in the house church that meets at the

Thanks for praying for Sylvia’s sister Linda. The update
is that she is feeling better. She still has fluid in her
stomach, and the doctors can’t figure out why it’s
there. The pain has lessened and she is driving her Miata
again. She too credits the prayers of many people in the
States and here in Prague for helping her through this
difficult time of recovery from emergency surgery.

After this second team leaves next Saturday, July 26, we
will have one week “off” before the third team arrives.
They will only be here one week, and, since there are only
eight of them, we will also help them with teaching English.
This has been an excellent experience for us in many ways,
and we are grateful for your prayers and financial support
that have helped make it possible. We continue to pray for
you. Please join us in continuing to pray for the growth of
the Church throughout the Czech Republic.

In His love,
Larry and Sylvia


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