a blog for people who are on the quest. . . a journey to know Jesus and follow Him.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

As we do the Ancient Wisdom Series in the INSTITUTE through the Proverbs, we want to give the challenge to anyone & everyone to read the book of Proverbs 8 times in the 8 weeks from January 16 to March 12. There is a checklist posted so you print it and keep track!  Click here
If you complete the challenge, we will give you a special prize!

You may be wondering how Proverbs relates to our theme this year>>keeping our eyes on Jesus. Check out this verse:

So Jesus grew both in height and in wisdom, and he was loved by God and by all who knew him.
 Luke 2:52 NLT
One of the markers about Jesus' earthly life was that he grew in wisdom. That should motivate us whether we are young or old...to be wise like Jesus.

Jesus' wisdom wasn't just a head thing. It was noticed by others. I think it was part of the reason why so many followed him. Here was a guy who knew how the world worked...and didn't walk around in religious garb trying to tell everyone else how to live. He was wise...but only in his thirties! That was shocking.

Here's an story that illustrates that...
Jesus returned to Nazareth, his hometown. When he taught there in the synagogue, everyone was astonished and said, "Where does he get his wisdom..." Matthew 13:54 NLT

The people recognized Jesus' wisdom. He stunned the people from his hometown. Jesus pursued His Father's wisdom throughout His life. We can keep our eyes on Jesus by pursuing wisdom...like He did.

It's winter time and so it's time to curl up with a good book. Why not curl up with the words from the wisest man in the world?

This challenge will get you through the dreary winter, Groundhogs day, Valentine's day, through February, into March and almost to St. Patrick's Day. In addition, you'll be pursuing wisdom which has benefit for the rest of your life. I hope you'll take the...
 Read Proverbs 8 times in 8 weeks Challenge


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