a blog for people who are on the quest. . . a journey to know Jesus and follow Him.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Where was I?

I know I've been gone a while...and some of you probably don't believe I'm up to any good. You think I'm sleeping, or on the beach...

Well, someone took a picture of me in the act of working...well we call it working. I was the grunt guy for a Dunk Tank. It was well over 100 degrees though...and 3 hours in the blistering sun...it was work. You can check the pictures out here

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Good News Assembly --July 17

On Sunday we had a blast eating, talking and centering on the Good News of Jesus. take a peek at the pics below!

dave, larry, dave, james, laurie


syl & josh



zach, victoria, christina

dave & andy

richard jordan leading


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

A Strawberry Vision Picture

a healthy strawberry plant in the Jentes garden June 3, 2005

Some runners branching out

another strawberry plant sending out "runners" June 3, 2005

See a strawberry plant doesn't reproduce through the actual strawberries it produces. It starts more plants by sending out "runners" (those string like growths going to the right on the picture).

Now a month later...July 4, 2005

bearing some fruit on July 4

a strawberry on July 4


Here is the strawberry plant that had 2 little runners on June 3. On July 4th here is that same plant. If you look closely there are 5 runners off this plant now. The two original ones are now ...the one which has a new plant (fallen over) to the lower left of the picture & to the lower right (this runner continues off the picture).

one month growth

Here is that original runner...that now has started 3 new plants...in one month

a strawberry patch

a strawberry patch from here

This is the vision for urban Columbus...that there would be a local expression of the church for every 500 people here...

strawberry plants (like the house churches of thequest) sending out runners into new neighborhoods and pockets of people that would send out more runners that would create a strawberry patch blanketing urban Columbus.